Flor Nursing Rocking Chair

The Micuna breastfeeding rocking chairs come in a wide variety of designs: Flor, Confort, Nanny and Moom. This means you can choose the one you like best, so that it will perfectly match the décor of the baby’s room, the living room or the room where you want to breastfeed or rock the baby quietly. You also have the option to choose the upholstery or finish of the rocking chair.
Pregnancy and the first months of your baby’s life is a unique period, a period in which it is very important to take care of yourself and rest. In order to do this, Micuna offers you the option of ordering any of our breastfeeding rocking chairs with the SLOW SYSTEM, a system that allows you to rest in three comfortable positions. The rocking chair can be reclined automatically using a remote control, making it easier for mums to move during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
There are many accessories available for Micuna rocking chairs: a set of fixed legs that will convert it into an armchair, hanging bottle-holders or breastfeeding cushions.
Another option that we have is the Micuna mini rocking chairs. This way, when the baby grows up, you can choose the one that matches yours, and you will make a perfect pair when rocking. The little one in your house will definitely be excited to imitate their parents in their mini rocking chair. It will also look perfect as an accessory in your room.
Material: Polyurethane Foam – Pine
Fabric Materials: 100% CO/50% CO/50% CO-50%PES/100%PVC (synthetic leather)
Rocker Colour: White
Fabric colour:
– White Synthetic Leather
– Grey Synthetic Leather
– Grey
– Galaxy Stars Grey
– CP-1811 Breastfeeding armchair leg
– Breastfeeding rocking chair cushion
– Hanging bottle holder
– Slow System